Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy (belated) birthday to me!

This is slightly off topic, but it's my blog, right?  Yesterday was my birthday.  Birthdays have always been (and still are) kind of a big deal in my family - not necessarily with elaborate gifts, but a special day to celebrate you.  We got to pick what we wanted to eat (and later choose a restaurant), got thoughtful gift, and were just generally the center of attention.

I recently became aware of a nonprofit, Beverly's Birthdays, that helps spread this same birthday cheer to children experiencing homelessness and to families in need.  You can check out their website here, for more info, but generally speaking, they provide birthday parties and gifts to kids who otherwise wouldn't have this kind of birthday celebration.  Every Birthday Cheer Bin that goes out to a child on their birthday contains a book along with 5-6 other gender and age appropriate gifts, including a toothbrush and toothpaste.  Last year, Beverly's Birthdays distributed over 1,100 of these Birthday Cheer Bins.  

So for my 36th birthday, I'm hoping to raise $360 dollars that will be matched at 50% through Usborne Books and More and matched 25% by me (I will be donating any commission I earn too so I don't personally benefit from this financially.) to donate some amazing books to the children served by Beverly's Birthdays. If I reach my goal of $360 dollars, that would be over $630 of amazing, high-quality children's books donated to a great cause! 

I'd love it if you'd donate even a few dollars to help some little ones experience the great feeling of being celebrated in a special way!   Here's the link if you're interested in donating - https://www.youcaring.com/beverly-s-birthdays-546326

1 comment:

  1. Dear Beth: Today I read the entire blog of your journey with Joy. My colleague lost a daughter at that time (June -August 2012) to Trisomy 18, and I had a small appreciation for her grief and loss taking a baby home with hospice. I lost my mother in June 2012 and had a very tough time with that myself. Loss is difficult, at best. Your blog has been so very inspiring to me, again reaffirming the sovereignty of God in all things, and the necessity of Christian community for all our lives. I am interested in John McArthur's book. Thank you for sharing this difficult but precious experience. Your testimony is lifting and encouraging to this aging retired nurse. Love to you and your delightful family.
